CoolPaint - An open source passively cooling paint.

CoolPaint - The Basics

CoolPaint is open source project to develop and promote radiative cooling paint.

This paint cools below the ambient temperature without requiring any energy. Surprisingly, it works both day and night.

The pigment is made from non-toxic ingredients that are readily available.

The byproduct of the pigment production is salt water.

So how can this possibly work? The paint absorbs thermal radiation but then radiates this energy back in a frequency that pierces the atmosphere. The radiation no longer bounces around heating the air nearby. Instead - the radiation from the paint pierces the atmosphere thereby no longer heating nearby air.

Our primitive test apparatus has allowed us to create a temperature difference of -11 Fahrenheit. This does not mean it would affect a building this much but it all remains to be seen.

Theoretically speaking, if the paint was cheap enough and could be made in a sustainable manner - this could play a key role in maintaining a habitable global environment.

We owe this project to YouTuber NightHawkInLight (Ben Cusick) who is the one who discovered this formulation of passively cooling paint. Here is the video that started it. Making Infrared Cooling Paint From Grocery Store Items Please support him at his Patreon

Similar paints already exist and are commercially available. CoolPaint is aimed at promoting all related technology with an emphasis on furthering the existing formulation.

If you would like to reach out to us use the CoolPaint forum or email us at We are always looking for collaborators.

Finally - we wish to keep everything light-hearted and fun. This is not a profit driven enterprise. This project is driven by people. We will not be paying volunteers but we do hope they share in the joy we have working on this project.


  • Determine proper formulations of paint with an eye towards sustainability and production price.

  • Test various formulations to determine the durability of the radiative properties.

  • Create and promote a public and open forum dedicated to the improvement of CoolPaint and green technology in general.

  • Open source all the tools and apparatuses made to produce this paint. (Patents can not stop machinery.)

  • Provide the paint and pigment to other researchers or just causes.

  • Reach out to others in industry for collaboration opportunities.

  • To determine the legality of existing technologies.

  • Explore revenue possibilities for a truly green company.

  • Have fun!

  • Most importantly we would like to motivate a community to help towards a shared cause. Retirees are especially welcome but even employed engineers are welcome. ;)

Future Objectives

  • Provide small education kits to science teachers to demonstrate thermal radiation.
  • Produce plans for a device that can passively extract water out of the air using passive technology based on CoolPaint.
  • Create a comparative paper which goes through related technologies
  • Explore the viability of mitigation in “heat islands”.
  • Expand production to a far larger scale.
  • Create a contest or hackathon to create a competitive community endeavor to improve on existing designs.